jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015


Josué Edgardo Martinez

My kindergarten teaching practicing experience

My experience with the kids in my teaching practices was amazing and very successful for me and I am sure that for the kids too. I know that I have many things I should improve but also things in which I am very good, but to start talking about my experience I will talk about my strengths.
What were my strengths?
ü  My attitude was always excellent, I enjoyed the whole experience, preparing classes but also sharing time with the kids every week, it was not a burden but a pleasure.
ü  I was another child and I enjoyed playing with them and doing things they love to do.
ü  I live near the school and for that reason I was always on time.
ü  I always used teaching materials.

How can I build upon them?
 The best way to build upon them is to continuing doing the same things in my coming experiences and try to do it better than the previous one, because teaching is a process than never ends. I know that I have a base and I don’t have to lose it.
If I want to be a good teacher my attitude has to be always excellent, I have to act always as a child, be always punctual and be always prepared with my teaching materials and procedures. If I stop doing those things in my coming experiences my previous experience will have been in vain. I have to learn about them, build upon my strengths and improve them.

What are some specific areas for improvement?
Taking into account that this was my first experience teaching children I can say it was a satisfying experience overall but I am aware that there will always be things in which I can improve. Here I go…
ü  I need to have a better classroom management.
ü  Learn to have their attention.
ü  Work more in repetition.
ü  I must learn how to manage in a better way mi time in the class.
ü  I have to learn more songs and games for the children.

4 specific action steps for addressing these areas
1.      Try to look for tools that can help me to be a better English teacher.
2.      Read about some techniques and procedures I can follow to have more dynamic classes.
3.      Prepare my classes with more days in advance.
4.      Write always my lesson plans.

My kindergarten teaching practice experience.

Patricio Velásquez
My teaching practice was very successful and I am proud of the development of every single day that the kids we in my classes. All of them were participating all time with the needed energy that was asked to be part of the classroom. Sometimes, I didn`t know what to teach to children, but I always found the manner to make every single class entertaining for them all.
What were My strengths?
I was prepared for every single class. All topics I thought were to be used in real life.
My attitude was the needed in the classroom and also every single kid was feeling the class because all of them were participating and paying attention to me.
I don’t feel afraid to talk to people in a very public manner.
I usually prepared activities to enjoy in classroom.
My students were very respectful with me end the actives that I assigned to them.
How can I build upon them?
The best manners to build upon them is realize that the need of working constantly in every single class is worth to have better students. This is to enhance the qualities of the procedure that takes part in the classroom.
At the bagging I didn`t know how to cope with children but then I understood that they all are different and that they have different qualities as weaknesses and willingnesses.
I know that I have the material and knowledge to transmit a very wide repertory of knowledge to apply in my classes to build up kids as very strong trees.
What are some specific areas for improvement?
This was my first experience and I felt that every single aspect was completely managed as I was expecting. Although, I know that nothing is perfect so that here are some of the aspects that I consider are part of the challenges to take into account.
The preparation of the classes.
Prepare better activities, like songs, games, activities.
Have student to be part of the activities presented every single class.
My tone voice that sometimes affected me at the beginning. But know I have enhanced it as I expected it.

4 specific action steps for addressing these areas
1-      Have more practice with every element to be discussed in the classroom.
2-      Prepare the classes with plenty of time to have it with the needs to be achieved in classroom.

3-      Practice my tone of voice and practice keeping the pitch and sound.

4-      Have more activities to involve students in activities with more practices.

My kindergarten teaching practicing experience

To be sincere, I still miss my kindergarten students. I observed them every single class with the will of learning, so I´ve decided to go whenever I can to visit them. I experienced many good things with children; however, there were times when I felt frustrared because I thought they did not understand what I was saying, but when I graded them, they were able to answer the questions I made. If I had the opportunity to develop the activity of teaching TVYL, I´d do it. I have no words to describe what I feel when remembering my teaching practices but  happiness. I thank everyone who gave me learning, even children because I learned a lot from them.

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