jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

My contribution to present this class Project

Josué Edgardo Martínez Fuentes 
First of all, I must say that the realization of this project was something new, something I had never done, for that reason, it was a bit difficult but entertaining. Along the steps and tasks that we had to develop, I was remembering every one of the issues that we developed in class throughout the semester, so I can say that the realization of this project was really useful for me and I am sure that also for all my classmates.
It was a pleasure to work with my colleagues and get this project among all.
I can say that my contribution to this project was practically the same as that of my colleagues, providing ideas for each of the tasks, investing time to work together but also developing some tasks individually and then join them with the tasks of my peers to thereby form the project.
Something important in the realization of this project was to know that just as I was developing my work, my friends did the same with his and so we all worked as a group.
Working as a group is the best way to make projects like this, we need the help of everyone so that things go well and we must recognize that the contribution of each is as important as the other and all need each other to complete activities.

For that reason I am happy to have been part of the realization of this project, and have provided my skills, knowledge and time for everything to be a success.

Patricio Velásquez

The realization of this project has been a very entertaining task for us as group. We all faced many difficulties working and preparing every single aspect that was needed to be part of this activity. We all know knew that this activity was not a piece of cake; however, the realization of this project was achieved and successful.
I actually did not know how to work with this kind of tools, but now I can manage the development of each part as it worth.
My contributions to this project were basically the same contributions my classmates did.
We all worked together with the same purpose to realize and manage this activity as better as possible.
Every single part took its time but we finished with pleasure that the job was achieved in terms of participation and contribution. 

Félix Ariel Romero Figueroa
This project was a big challenge because of the content it had to include. Every single conversation with my group classmates was about this blog because we were focused on this. The project, which has a lot of information related to TVYL, took a lot of time, but we consider the project was worth it. Since the first day when the teacher inicated what we had to do, we began to look for information in order to present a successful work. 

We, the group, are really happy by offerring information for teachers who are working with children, for we know working with them is not easy. Every member of the group worked completely at the same level because as a group we divided the information, but we were often talking about how the project was going on. We knew many new things because of the tools we had to utilize to give a helpful homework.

Videos, sounds, and documents were, in a general way, the things we used the most to finish the project.

We hope this blog will be very helpful for you, reader! 

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