domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015



Who is the learner? Who is the teacher?

From their first days in kindergarten, and often earlier, children usually learn that it is the teachers who teach and the children who learn. Yet observations of children at home and at school reveal that children often offer one another helpful ideas, innovative solutions to problems, and thought-provoking questions. What happens if, from the very first day of school, children understand that they can learn from and with one another? 
In the process of learning, there are numerous things that play a significant role towards making it a smooth, pleasurable and constructive process.
First of all, the teachers are those who set the tone for a great learning environment. However, a lot depends on the way the learners face the lessons and overall, learning.
To begin with, a learner must seriously take into consideration that learning is a great commitment. Most of the times, it requires hard work in order for it to be a successful procedure. Building up knowledge should be continuous; that is, the learners should consistently study so as not to have any gaps, for the reason that then they will have serious problems in their learning. Learning is like a chain, and each lesson and studying time is a link in the chain. If the learners fail to study or miss a lesson without making up for it, then they automatically break the learning chain and their learning is disrupted. For that reason, teachers are there to remind learners that both of them should stick to a schedule and that when a lesson is missed, it will surely be made up for.
Secondly, learners must understand what kind of learner they are: are they visual, aural, kinesthetic? This can be encouraged by the teachers. Not everyone learns the same way. (Unfortunately, I have heard teachers say “Oh, why is that student constantly whispering when he reads?” – Well, maybe he likes to hear himself and assimilate the text better, someone might say? Or: “Don’t look at the board, everyone write it down!” – Well, what if the students are visual and can cope well with that?) It is important for them to decide on what kind of learner they are, as this will help them tremendously.
Learning will become much easier and naturally, more pleasant for them. Plus, they will help their teachers enormously, as the latter will be able to adapt their lessons to their learners’ needs and special traits. For instance, at a young age I realized I could learn better when hearing something when the teachers spoke in my daily lessons at school. I later took advantage of my personal learning style and enjoyed assimilating through listening to my teachers speak, from tapes and television (here in combination with images), or from the radio, whatever the lesson. Up to now, my aural learning style has assisted me in my teaching as well, for the reason that I enrich my knowledge by attending seminars and conferences, where you can hear a number of speakers. Thus, each person must look inside themselves and discover what type of learner they are; it will help tremendously in promoting learning. A characteristic of the good learner is concentration, both in class and in the study place. A good learner pays attention to the teacher while delivering the lesson and also to their classmates, when they are asking a question about the lesson or answering the teacher’s questions. (Naturally, the teacher has to be enthusiastic and make the lesson as interesting as possible so that the students become engaged as well.) It is very constructive to pay attention when classmates have questions, because for example it may be something they cannot comprehend. Teachers need to encourage and remind this and try to engage a number of students when someone asks a question. This is a very good opportunity for the others in class to learn something new, something maybe they had not thought or about, or they can even answer the questions themselves, if of course they can explain the unintelligible point in question. 
Moreover, there must be concentration in the study place as well. The learner must choose to study in a comfortable, warm environment, if possible away from distractions like telephones, computers or televisions. Above all, studying should take place at an appropriate time for the learners: they should ask themselves what the best time of day for them is in order to study and keep that as permanent study time. Therefore, learners have to create a good study schedule and combine it with any other daily activities or work, if they are professionals. Having a schedule aids the learning process a great deal, for the reason that it helps maintain organization. Last of all, but equally important to all the aforementioned factors, learners should be prepared to study hard. It is highly beneficial to study not only the work assigned by the teacher, but also to access additional bibliography to read extensively on the given subject and moreover to recycle and simultaneously comprehend all the components of the lesson delivered by the teacher. It may be tiring at times, as it is extra work, but the benefits are numerous.
All elements combined, the learner is a person responsible for their advancement in learning and should be organized, attentive and should be prepared to study, so as to be successful in the work they have undertaken. In order for them to achieve this though, the teacher is responsible for the learning process to a great extent. If the teacher turns the classroom into an enthusiastic and encouraging place for learning (as well as organized), then the learner will enjoy being there as well.

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015


Ariel´s video

Édgar´s video

Patrick´s video

My contribution to present this class Project

Josué Edgardo Martínez Fuentes 
First of all, I must say that the realization of this project was something new, something I had never done, for that reason, it was a bit difficult but entertaining. Along the steps and tasks that we had to develop, I was remembering every one of the issues that we developed in class throughout the semester, so I can say that the realization of this project was really useful for me and I am sure that also for all my classmates.
It was a pleasure to work with my colleagues and get this project among all.
I can say that my contribution to this project was practically the same as that of my colleagues, providing ideas for each of the tasks, investing time to work together but also developing some tasks individually and then join them with the tasks of my peers to thereby form the project.
Something important in the realization of this project was to know that just as I was developing my work, my friends did the same with his and so we all worked as a group.
Working as a group is the best way to make projects like this, we need the help of everyone so that things go well and we must recognize that the contribution of each is as important as the other and all need each other to complete activities.

For that reason I am happy to have been part of the realization of this project, and have provided my skills, knowledge and time for everything to be a success.

Patricio Velásquez

The realization of this project has been a very entertaining task for us as group. We all faced many difficulties working and preparing every single aspect that was needed to be part of this activity. We all know knew that this activity was not a piece of cake; however, the realization of this project was achieved and successful.
I actually did not know how to work with this kind of tools, but now I can manage the development of each part as it worth.
My contributions to this project were basically the same contributions my classmates did.
We all worked together with the same purpose to realize and manage this activity as better as possible.
Every single part took its time but we finished with pleasure that the job was achieved in terms of participation and contribution. 

Félix Ariel Romero Figueroa
This project was a big challenge because of the content it had to include. Every single conversation with my group classmates was about this blog because we were focused on this. The project, which has a lot of information related to TVYL, took a lot of time, but we consider the project was worth it. Since the first day when the teacher inicated what we had to do, we began to look for information in order to present a successful work. 

We, the group, are really happy by offerring information for teachers who are working with children, for we know working with them is not easy. Every member of the group worked completely at the same level because as a group we divided the information, but we were often talking about how the project was going on. We knew many new things because of the tools we had to utilize to give a helpful homework.

Videos, sounds, and documents were, in a general way, the things we used the most to finish the project.

We hope this blog will be very helpful for you, reader! 
The top three ICT tools
The use of ICT in education and training has become a priority during the last decade.  ICT has positive impact on students’ performances in primary schools particularly in English language.
Schools with sufficient ICT resources achieved better results than those that are not well-equipped.  There is a significant improvement on learners’ performances.  Finally, teachers become more convinced that educational achievements of pupils are due to good ICT use.  In fact, high percentage of teachers states that pupils are more motivated when computers and Internet are being used in class. The technology is one of the most useful tool for teaching a new language, English in this case.
We are going to present now the top three ICT tools we liked the most during this semester:
1.       Movie maker:  is a video editing software, is a very useful tool because you can not only edit videos but also create them, inserting audio clips, images , animation , text and other videos.

With movie maker you can create your own videos, with the information you need to present a topic to your students in a very creative way and you will catch their attention.
1.       Google slides: is an online presentations app that allows you to show off your work in a visual way.
Here's what you can do with Google Slides:

·         Create and edit presentations
·         Import .pptx and .pps files and convert them to Google presentations
·         Download your presentations as a .pdf, .ppt, .svg, .jpg, or .txt file
·         Insert images and videos into your presentation
·         Publish and embed your presentations in a website
1.       PowerPoint: is one of the most common tools teachers use to present their classes.
PowerPoint is a complete presentation graphics package. It gives you everything you need to produce a professional-looking presentation. PowerPoint offers word processing, outlining, drawing, graphing, and presentation management tools- all designed to be easy (something important) to use and learn. 
·         When you create a presentation using PowerPoint, the presentation is made up of a series of slides. The slides that you create using PowerPoint can also be presented as overhead transparencies or 35mm slides. 


Josué Edgardo Martinez

My kindergarten teaching practicing experience

My experience with the kids in my teaching practices was amazing and very successful for me and I am sure that for the kids too. I know that I have many things I should improve but also things in which I am very good, but to start talking about my experience I will talk about my strengths.
What were my strengths?
ü  My attitude was always excellent, I enjoyed the whole experience, preparing classes but also sharing time with the kids every week, it was not a burden but a pleasure.
ü  I was another child and I enjoyed playing with them and doing things they love to do.
ü  I live near the school and for that reason I was always on time.
ü  I always used teaching materials.

How can I build upon them?
 The best way to build upon them is to continuing doing the same things in my coming experiences and try to do it better than the previous one, because teaching is a process than never ends. I know that I have a base and I don’t have to lose it.
If I want to be a good teacher my attitude has to be always excellent, I have to act always as a child, be always punctual and be always prepared with my teaching materials and procedures. If I stop doing those things in my coming experiences my previous experience will have been in vain. I have to learn about them, build upon my strengths and improve them.

What are some specific areas for improvement?
Taking into account that this was my first experience teaching children I can say it was a satisfying experience overall but I am aware that there will always be things in which I can improve. Here I go…
ü  I need to have a better classroom management.
ü  Learn to have their attention.
ü  Work more in repetition.
ü  I must learn how to manage in a better way mi time in the class.
ü  I have to learn more songs and games for the children.

4 specific action steps for addressing these areas
1.      Try to look for tools that can help me to be a better English teacher.
2.      Read about some techniques and procedures I can follow to have more dynamic classes.
3.      Prepare my classes with more days in advance.
4.      Write always my lesson plans.

My kindergarten teaching practice experience.

Patricio Velásquez
My teaching practice was very successful and I am proud of the development of every single day that the kids we in my classes. All of them were participating all time with the needed energy that was asked to be part of the classroom. Sometimes, I didn`t know what to teach to children, but I always found the manner to make every single class entertaining for them all.
What were My strengths?
I was prepared for every single class. All topics I thought were to be used in real life.
My attitude was the needed in the classroom and also every single kid was feeling the class because all of them were participating and paying attention to me.
I don’t feel afraid to talk to people in a very public manner.
I usually prepared activities to enjoy in classroom.
My students were very respectful with me end the actives that I assigned to them.
How can I build upon them?
The best manners to build upon them is realize that the need of working constantly in every single class is worth to have better students. This is to enhance the qualities of the procedure that takes part in the classroom.
At the bagging I didn`t know how to cope with children but then I understood that they all are different and that they have different qualities as weaknesses and willingnesses.
I know that I have the material and knowledge to transmit a very wide repertory of knowledge to apply in my classes to build up kids as very strong trees.
What are some specific areas for improvement?
This was my first experience and I felt that every single aspect was completely managed as I was expecting. Although, I know that nothing is perfect so that here are some of the aspects that I consider are part of the challenges to take into account.
The preparation of the classes.
Prepare better activities, like songs, games, activities.
Have student to be part of the activities presented every single class.
My tone voice that sometimes affected me at the beginning. But know I have enhanced it as I expected it.

4 specific action steps for addressing these areas
1-      Have more practice with every element to be discussed in the classroom.
2-      Prepare the classes with plenty of time to have it with the needs to be achieved in classroom.

3-      Practice my tone of voice and practice keeping the pitch and sound.

4-      Have more activities to involve students in activities with more practices.

My kindergarten teaching practicing experience

To be sincere, I still miss my kindergarten students. I observed them every single class with the will of learning, so I´ve decided to go whenever I can to visit them. I experienced many good things with children; however, there were times when I felt frustrared because I thought they did not understand what I was saying, but when I graded them, they were able to answer the questions I made. If I had the opportunity to develop the activity of teaching TVYL, I´d do it. I have no words to describe what I feel when remembering my teaching practices but  happiness. I thank everyone who gave me learning, even children because I learned a lot from them.

Songs for kids!

You can't expect young children to learn English without a lot of repetition.  We can help you make this repetition fun.
Songs are absolutely ideal for language learning as children love them and will want to hear them over and over again - perfect for vocabulary acquisition and language learning.
You may have noticed that if you expect your child or pupils to sit still and listen to you while you show them flashcards, you will not have their attention for long!
Successful teaching is all about variety, movement and using resources that appeal to young children. Young children love games, they love stories and they love songs.
If you want to get your pupils to the point that they can actually sing along to these songs then you need simple ones, not too many words, and it's even better if the words match up with what you are already teaching in class.
Here you have easy songs that you can use to teach your students in a funny way:
  Hello, good morning! 
It is a song you can sing with kids from 4 to 6 years, is a nice song for greet and star the class every day. This song is based on the original Mexican tune to La Cucaracha!

Hello good morning, hello good morning
how is everyone today CHA CHA CHA
Hello good morning, hello good morning
I'm so glad you came to play CHA CHA CHA
The sun is shining, the birds are singing
What a way to start the day CHA CHA CHA
If we keep singing, hello good morning
We'll be happy come what may CHA CHA CHA
Welcome to the show!

·         Colors song: 
It is a song about colors enhances word recognition, vocabulary, comprehension, memory and recall. Make learning colors fun for toddlers, preschoolers and kindergartners.

If you are wearing red, shake your head
If you are wearing red, shake your head
If you are wearing red, if you are wearing red
If you are wearing red, shake your head

If you are wearing blue, touch your shoes
If you are wearing blue, touch your shoes
If you are wearing blue, if you are wearing blue
If you are wearing blue, touch your shoes

If you are wearing black, pat your back
If you are wearing black, pat your back
If you are wearing black, if you are wearing black
If you are wearing black, pat your back

·         This is me! 
A fun and energetic body parts and action song for kids, We think of it as, “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" with an extra shot of FUN! From head to chin to fingers to toes, your students will love this.

Head, eyes, nose
Mouth, ears, chin
Arms, hands, fingers
Legs, feet, toes!
Here we GO!

My head, my eyes, my nose
This is ME!
My mouth, my ears, my chin
This is ME!

This is ME!
This is ME!!

Professional development

Why professional development?

Professional development can provide the drive to progress your teaching practices. Professional development is something you will do every day of your life without even thinking about it; however, being conscious of the development you undertake will allow you to record this and develop in a systematic way. In order to maximize your potential, it is essential that you maintain high levels of professional competence by continually improving your knowledge and skills.
Any one who wishes to stay competitive and effective needs to be constantly changing and adapting within its business environment and this means that practitioners need to be adapting and learning to deal with these changes.  A learning culture embeds professional development into the heart of the school and ensures that knowledge is shared between teams and individuals to improve practice.  This will in turn lead to continuous improvement across an organization.A learning culture encourages people to ask questions, share successes and lessons learned, and to propagate and cross-fertilize ideas.  It allows individuals to reflect and treats then as individuals, with their own learning needs, rather than generic resources which allows the organization to take advantage of strengths and allowing individuals to focus on areas of development to improve their skills and practice.An ELT practitioner needs to be updated and know about many teaching tools to make the process much easier and effective and make students better assimilate the contents presented.
Now we have here some tools as articles, eBooks, podcasts, videos and web sites that can help ELT practitioners to improve their skills to have more effective classes:1.       Methodology in language teaching (eBook). This book seeks to provide an overview of current approaches, issues and practices in the teaching of English to speakers of other language.       Class charts:  is a very useful website, here you will learn how to improve student’s behavior and it will help you to know how to manage a class in which not all the students are the same.       Magic box English kids channel:  is a very useful YouTube channel that contains many videos and songs that will help you to teach kids in a very funny way.       Teaching English games:  is a web site in which you will find games, stories, songs, flashcards and resources.

Teachers have a successful tool in order to give a good class: LESSON PLAN. Teachers use the lesson plan to follow what they want to teach, specifying activities and the time that activities will take. Teahers have many ways which they can create a lesson plan with, but we are going to present some examples of lesson plans. The lesson plan has to be very specific with the things it says because maybe there will be a time in which a teacher will not be able to teach a class and someone could substitute him o her. If you do not use lesson plans, begin to use them. 

Name of the School: CETEC
Teacher´s Name: Ariel Romero Figueroa
Grade/Level: Basic Intensive English
Date and time: November, Friday the 27th; Sunday 29th the 2015
Target Topic: Statements and questions with the past of “be”; Wh. questions with did, was, and were.
Objective: Teaching students about wh- questions with the verb to be.
Materials: AVS
Introduce myself to the students and tell them what the topic is about.
Homogeneously, the group will try to remember important things about the last class.
The teacher will give the students information about how to create Wh- questions with the “Be” verb.
Students will watch a video related to the questions with the Be verb.
Students will prepare questions to grade how much they have learned about the explained topic.
Teacher with students will make a review of the questions they created.


miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2015

Didactics of the English Language I

Didactics of the English language is a subject that refers to teach English to very young learners. Children are able to acquire the language easier than adults. Didactics is a subject which feeds your knowledge with many tools in order to offer a variety of helps for your English skills. Not every children is the same, and teacher must understand that. If you are a teacher, it means that you have to be able to bring the best ways so that every single student can acquire the language, not learn it.